
destruction of buildings معنى

  • مبان مهدمة
  • destruction    n. إبادة, هدم, إفن ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • buildings    أبني; ابني; المبان ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. destruction facility معنى
  2. destruction handbook معنى
  3. destruction in situ معنى
  4. destruction of al-jalaa building معنى
  5. destruction of animals معنى
  6. destruction of cultural heritage by isil معنى
  7. destruction of early islamic heritage sites in saudi arabia معنى
  8. destruction of psara معنى
  9. destruction of shia mosques during the 2011 bahraini uprising معنى
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